Straight to the Heart of 1 & 2 Chronicles

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1 and 2 Chronicles are the final books of the Hebrew Old Testament. They are more than mere history. They are a God-inspired sermon which explains what God has done, what God is doing and what God is planning to do. They reveal the secrets of spiritual revival in every generation and they fix our eyes on the Messiah. Written centuries before his coming, these two books proclaim a timeless message of hope to the world. It's all about Jesus, the true Son of David, who is the only true Saviour of the world.

God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.